
The Vermont Superintendents Association is pleased to offer a number of services to its members and, by extension, to education leaders around the state. Services generally fall within three major categories: advocacy, member support, and professional learning opportunities. Please see below for an overview of some of the services offered.


  • Represent members before the Vermont General Assembly and in work with the State of Vermont Administration, the Vermont State Board of Education, and the Vermont Agency of Education.
  • Participate in the Vermont Education Legislation Coalition, a coalition of education-related organizations supportive of public education.
  • Conduct extensive work on behalf of school districts during the legislative session including analysis of legislation for its potential effects on public education, committee testimony, frequent communications with VSA members regarding legislative activities, and responding to individual inquiries about specific legislation and actions of the legislature.
  • Offer trainings and disseminate information on legislative activities, outcomes, and effective implementation.
  • Provide representation for the Association at the federal level, often in concert with VSA’s national affiliate, the American Association of School Administrators (AASA).

Member Support

  • Provide staff support to the VSA Board of Trustees, various standing committees, and task forces of the Association.
  • Maintain statistical data and develop reports pertaining to school budget activity and school administrator salaries.
  • Publish the Vermont Education Directory.
  • Provide an Information Request Service and maintain records of model resources.
  • Pursue, maintain and enhance positive, effective relationships with other education-related organizations.
  • Support leaders in their pursuit of leading more equitable, inclusive, and antiracist education communities through one-on-one consultation, resources, and communications support.
  • Provide real-time support to members on a broad array of superintendent/school administration subject areas as requested.
  • Legal consultation for superintendent members related to professional employment agreements and other legal matters – details to be determined and subject to prior approval by VSA.

Professional Learning

  • Hold collaborative annual conferences with other state educational associations.
  • Operate the Aspiring Superintendents Academy, an intensive professional development program for aspiring superintendents.
  • Support superintendent networking through monthly virtual “drop-in” meetings.
  • Host and facilitate a minimum of three all-member meetings per year.
  • Provide networking and professional learning support to facilities managers and communications professionals.
  • Offer ongoing support for early career superintendents and their mentors, including cohort activities, targeted training, and mentor matching.
  • Develop, plan, and implement year-long and ad hoc professional learning opportunities for superintendents, central office teams, school building leaders, and school board members based on regular feedback from members.

Types of Membership

1) Active Membership – Superintendent / Director

This membership is for all active Vermont school superintendents and Directors of the regional technical center school districts. 

2) Active Membership – Assistant Superintendent/Assistant Director

Any actively serving Vermont Assistant Superintendent and Assistant Directors of the regional technical center school districts are invited to join the Vermont Superintendents Association. This membership includes:

3) Associate Membership – Professional Affiliate

Professional Affiliate members are retired Vermont superintendents who wish to remain connected to the Association and the field. Professional Affiliate members can:

4) Institutional Service Fee – Supervisory Unions and School Districts have the option of registering central office staff as institutional members. This membership is open to central office staff wanting to receive information communications of the Association.        

5) School Facilities Support Assessment – This is a mandatory annual fee for all member Supervisory Unions, School Districts, and Regional Technical Center School Districts (as applicable) and is supportive of Act 72 of 2021, which requires superintendents to appoint a school facilities manager for each supervisory union/school district. The benefits of this program are:

Additional Services

Vermont educators talking to each other

The Vermont Education Directory

The Vermont Education Directory is updated annually by VSA and the Vermont Principals Association, with assistance from central office staff in every SU/SD. The Directory provides a quick reference to central office staff, public and Independent school information, AOE contacts, and educational associations. To learn more, contact Kristi Tate at